Spying Security Camera

I woke up at 3 a.m. and the security camera was on in the bedroom. I could see its bright green light staring at me across the room.
How did the camera come on? It wasn’t on when I went to bed. I read in bed for almost an hour and it was definitely not on. I would have noticed it. Wait, is that the Samsung camera? We covered up the camera on our Samsung TV because they had a lot of security issues. Is someone in Korea looking at me right now? What time is it there anyway?
I leaned over and whispered at my bedroom Echo. “Alexa, turn on camera silent.” I thought that was the script to turn off all the cameras in the house. They are all on smart outlets that are supposed to go off automatically when we are home. Sometimes that doesn’t work so we have to ask Alexa to do it. I have no idea why it’s “turn on camera silent” instead of something normal like, “turn off the cameras.” Something to do with the way different devices work with Alexa.
When you whisper at Alexa she’s supposed to whisper back. She ignores me. I whisper again. Still nothing. Mark is sound asleep and I don’t want to wake him up.
Finally I ask Alexa out loud to turn off the cameras. She gives me some crap about how she doesn’t know how to turn on camera silent. I don’t really remember what she says but I ask again. This time she just gives me her bonk. She has two bonks, one for when she does something and one which I classify as “Screw you.” In the middle of the night it’s hard to tell the difference. The green light from the camera is still on. I didn’t talk loud enough to wake up Mark. Or he is ignoring me.
I really want to get up to go to the bathroom but I don’t want the people watching to see me naked. I lay there for a while. Maybe I can just go back to sleep. I roll on my stomach so I can’t see the green light. But I’m still thinking about it. Why is it on?
I think about reading some more of my book. It’s about Chernobyl so it will definitely put me to sleep. But the light from my kindle will just make it easier for the camera to see my face.
Finally around 4 a.m. I give up and wake up Mark. “The bedroom camera is on. Why is it on?” I ask. He scrambles to find his phone. He always keeps it on the nightstand. I leave mine in the other room. Pretty soon the camera is off and he is back asleep within minutes. I wonder who was watching the camera until I finally fall back to sleep and Alexa wakes me up too early.