Category: Travel

Sydney Bridge at Night

Our 10-day Australia Itinerary

Our Australia itinerary included Sydney, Jervis Bay, Canberra and Melbourne, 10 days by car and plane. We began our 10-day Australia itinerary with a direct flight from San Francisco to Sydney. We’ve both taken...

Castel Sant'Angelo at night in Rome

Rome: at home in Italy’s Capital

Last fall we made our fourth trip together to Rome. It’s nice to come back to a city that we know so well, yet we always find something new to discover. We always feel at...

Siena View from Balcony with Food

Siena, home of the Palio

Siena, the home of the Palio, has held a special place in our hearts since Mark lived there in the fall of 2014. It’s a magical walled city in Tuscany, about an hour from...

Wine Tasting in Tuscany Bellaria

Wine Tasting in Tuscany (via Siena)

If you’ve ever tasted wine in Napa or other wineries in the US, you might think you are ready for wine tasting in Tuscany. But Italian vineyards operate a bit differently than what you...

Lucca scene from wall

Lucca: wrapped in a wall of culture

We love Tuscany and everything about it, the landscape, the food, the wine. Recently we got a chance to visit Lucca, a medieval walled city west of Florence which several friends have recommended as...

view from ebikein

Three Days in Cinque Terre (via Genoa)

We love Italy and we love the outdoors so we have been looking forward to visiting the Cinque Terre, the famous Italian “five towns” on the Mediterranean. We tried to go a few years...

Milan city scene

Milan: Easy Travel and the Last Supper

We have both traveled to Milan for business, together and separately. Milan is in the north and the largest business center in Italy, the heart of the country’s banking and fashion industry. The metro...